- Recognizing the need of market and development of in IT sector, I Perfect Online efforts to be a trend setting and globally present your business through internet.
- I Perfect Online offer Quality and high standard service to our esteem clients enable them to improve and maintain their business success.
- I perfect online shall differentiate our self through cordial relationship, Connectivity, responsiveness, technology, competence, connectivity and customer centric approach.
- I Perfect Online attempt to reach out to the people and provide benefits of technology to maximize the success of their business.

- Our mission is to alter the dynamics of the industry by providing trusted, supportive and quality web solution services to the clients that view our partnership as a strategic driver for their success.
- When we take on your project, we take the stewardship of the project with you in the director's seat. As stewards of your project, we consider ourselves successful not when we deliver your final product but when the product meets your business objectives and that is our mission.
- Our mission is simply to make technology an asset for your business. Too many times we have seen other IT consulting firms recommend solutions that are not appropriate for the specific client's business or will not take a business' operations into their planning as they routinely bring down an entire business while they perform routine maintenance. That is unacceptable.
- We won't bring you down in the middle of the day because it is "a better time for us". We work around your business. We strive to make technology integrate seamlessly with your business so your business can grow.
- As your technology partner, when your business grows ours will grow with you, therefore, we will work hand in hand with you to support your growth.