School Management Application Software, Which is unparallel and comprehensive School Software that covers each and every entity of school. It is an interactive platform for all the entities of School like Teachers, Management, Financial Department, Students and Parents etc.
Our School Software comprises 12 different modules that cover each and every department of school and Makes the functioning of any Educational Institute effortless. We can also add more modules in our software according to user requirement. It is also called as ERP of School. This School ERP has been designed keeping in view all the requirements of any Educational Institute.
Once the customer buys our software then he does not need to have any other software.
The added advantage of our software is that it is very cost-effective as compared to other school software and it having much more features comparing to its competitors. It is seamlessly scalable, error free, easy to use and implement.
It has a user-friendly interface. This is not only a cost saving measure but also adapts to changes very quickly. Users with little computer knowledge can use this software very easily.